27 October, 2010


This is my thirtieth post!

I've not much to say for myself besides a good news and a bad news. Good news first? You bet! Well, look at this gem of information right here. So read through that, and be as excited as I am. 2013, here Heather and I come! That's it...

Bad news? Well it starts something like this... you know that bug that's been terrorizing me? Hard to forget, I say! Anyway, one day as I was sitting on the couch reading and my host mom comes into the room with the dog's water dish, prefacing whatever she's about to say or show me with "stay calm, but is this the bug?" There, floating in the dog's dish is the bug. It's terrifying when it's dead too, I assure you. So we rejoiced a bit, laughed that it went for a swim, and she said it's harmless anyways.

The beast
Is resurrection harmless? Jesus thought not, but I beg to differ. Last night I walk past my room on my way to the bathroom and see on the floor of my room the bug. The non-cockroach. The "centipede," as it's called here, but our centipedes are much different. Anyway, I turn a blind eye, go to the bathroom and try to think about what to do with it... my host brother was home, maybe he could kill it? Or I could find a paper towel or even a regular towel to cover and kill it with? It really didn't matter, because when I got out of the bathroom it was gone. Well, almost. It was on the wall that's between the doorway and my closet. I turned my back on it for two seconds to take my shoes off and hang my coat up, but as I turned around to face the closet I looked on the side wall and it was gone. I still have no idea where it went. If I was the kind of person to have nightmares, I'd have had plenty by now. Speaking of "nightmare," the French word for it is cauchemar and is germanic, just like ours! The history of it is quite interesting.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I would like an Icelandic pony. So adorable.