02 February, 2011


Where to start, where to start? Winter Break at home was very, very nice. Surprising everyone was a great treat that I'll never, ever forget. It was so nice to see everyone I could... If I missed you, I apologize endlessly. There's just not enough time in a month!

I got back to Grenoble (no airport debacles this time) January 16th, and had to jump right into things. Seeing people, settling into my new host family's house, starting school, avoiding posting on my blog for no good reason. The more I waited, the more I forgot so really, I have no idea what this blog will be about. I just feel the need to tune everyone back in.

First and foremost, it's so very uncomfortably cold. Yes, it's now February, and yes, it's the Alps, but we're all sick of it. Well... I speak for myself and the other year students. We have about a million new Spring Semester students and I don't know how they feel about it. To boot, all of us are at different periods in our physical sickness. I'm just getting over a cold that started Thursday, others are just getting sick, and some have been sick for a while. Simply put, we're waiting for Spring. If I see one flake of snow - no, this goes for most of us - I'm going to throw a tantrum. Talking with a friend while walking to class today, we decided how weird it was that we had done the same walk many a time, just in clothing suited for much warmer weather. "What's a t-shirt?" "What do you mean you had to unpack your coat? Shouldn't it be like skin here? Aren't people always wearing them?" It's ridiculous. Also, the bus stop near my house is close to a bank that has this large sign alternately displaying the time, some random numbers I've yet to figure out (131? 1 31? 13 1? I don't know.), and the temperature. Usually this temperature says 0°, or sometimes it's in the negatives, and rarely +3°, the latter of which I don't really take seriously (denial sets in). But by golly, when that early morning comes when it has a higher degree than 0... Oh, happy day! That'll be the biggest news to report to everyone I talk to that day. Also, let's not forget that this is celsius, people. Worst news: my new host family doesn't turn the heating on... so... yeah...

What's next... Classes are going well. My level this semester is B2.4 (originally B2.2 but everything got crazy with the levels) which just means that... I'm at the top of the advanced? So... yeah, if B1 is intermediate? See?! Do you see how confusing this is? None of the levels are the same as last semester, but there's still a B1 - B2 distinction. Anyway, what matters is that I really like my teacher - she's much more organized and much less belittling than my teacher from last semester. Who! By the way! Is teaching the B2 vocab class now, and people are switching into the translation class instead because they don't like her. Makes me wanna stick my tongue out at her... although, she's a nice person - just not the best teacher. For electives I have Contemporary Literature with the best teacher at the school (everybody thinks so) and I'm currently reading a great book for that class called Voyage de Noces by Patrick Modiano; I'm also taking Translation which was supposed to be with this nutter, but she's not so bad; World Affairs which is pretty interesting - taught by a very nice lady; and finally Francophone Literature which so far is incredibly boring and taught by a lady who doesn't know when class begins, so naturally she starts early (before everyone is there) at which point she gives out all the pertinent information like how class will be going an extra half an hour that day so when the usual end time rolls around, half the class in beyond confused as to why she hasn't stopped talking which eventually sparks Stephanie to raise her hand and tell her that time is up (we all nod our heads in encouraging agreement) but gets told this nonsense of an extra thirty minutes that she had talked about at the "beginning" of class. GOD!

My new host family is rather lovely. Besides the house being cold, I like it a lot. So far no crazy bugs! Just a dog that needs a bath (but seems quite happy), and a very talkative cat who meows "help" instead of "meow," but I'm the only one that hears it as they're not so accustomed to English words. Though, I've been told they speak English - we just haven't used it. For a while I was convinced that someone was in danger.

Outside of school... not much has gone on so far. The first weekend we went out one night to a bar to welcome all of the new kids. Last week we played Laser Tag and I placed 5th both times (last semester it was 4th and then 11th... ha!). Saturday is Shawn's birthday so we're having a crêpe party. Hmm... I'm sure once the sun comes out we'll speed things up. You guys! I just really want things to get warm. Ugh. We're planning trips as we have two Spring breaks! For the first one, Emma and I would like to go to Spain and Ireland, which means, if all goes according to plan, that I'll have an Irish birthday this year! The second one I think I'm going to Prague, Vienna, and Berlin with Allison and maybe some others. Also, for a long weekend at the end of March, eight (give or take) of us are going to Brussels! Yes, Aunt Cathy, I'll be sure to try that cherry beer.