15 June, 2011

(Pour la Fin)

From a letter written to Melissa on 23 January:

Really though, life outside of America is refreshing. However much I felt un-American or unpatriotic before, all this time away has made me realize that as much as I felt like I didn't belong in my home country, it's just that - home. I've never felt more American than now, during my time in France.
   But oh, how happy I am here! France is so, so lovely a place to live. These months have felt like a long vacation: every sight saw, every meal tasted, every cafĂ© occupied, every French word uttered, every faux pas committed, has been appreciated and forever adopted into my soul. I am enormously grateful to have had this opportunity, and I hope for myself and the people I've met here that this isn't the culmination of our luck and good times, but the cusp of a life of fulfillment. I wish it for all of humanity.

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