Yeah, this is my second post of the day, so what, big whoop, wanna fight about it? So I'm writing this as a follow-up because after I posted about the paintbrushes and such, I'm sitting in my room minding my own business when Marie is calling about something from upstairs. So I go up there and she's like, "Do you want to see how I paint upstairs?" So I'm all "Yeah girl! [haha]" So we go up to the mysterious third floor that I've only been to four times total. Maybe three... Once when she showed me, once when I went back up alone to be Nancy Drew and dust for fingerprints, and once today. Maybe one more time dusting.
So up there she shows me this drawing she's done on tracing paper of the Virgin Mary and Jesus. On the back of it, though, she's dusting a rusty colored powder. And she's using one of my Monoprix paintbrushes! She's saying how useful it is because it covers a lot of area and her other brushes don't work as well for that. I got verklempt, I did! Then she showed me how she uses this metal wand thing to trace her lines and the red dusting makes the lines on a paper beneath the original drawing. I stayed and watched for a while and then left her to it.
Before that though she came into my room and took some pictures for some student thing or something, I don't really know because I was doing a million things at once. In fact, I think I was writing Verklemption pt. 1. This it what it looked like (I know because she sent me the pictures!):
It's good to be in the land of people with Grandpa's (and Dan's... and maybe Dad's?) coloring.
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